Super Swing Tuesdays @Brix Video Recap Aug 18

After a wonderful vacation I have finally been able to catch up and get these wonderful videos for you all to review. I apologize that I was extremely tired in this video as I had just gotten off the plane and just made it back in time for class. I hope you enjoy. The first video is a rough syllabus of basic patterns in West Coast Swing. There are lots of interpretations of how many core basics there are. These are my set patterns. In the demonstration I did not choreograph to phrase to the music. The goal was simply to go through as many of the basics as possible. The second video you will see a demonstration of musicality and styling as influenced and inspired by some of my favorite peer champion dancers. Enjoy!

Beginner Class:

Intermediate/Advanced Class:

Super Swing Tuesdays With Guest Instructor Kristen Shaw August 11th

I was on vacation in California and my wonderful students Kristen Shaw and Andrew Hayden did an amazing job holding the fort down at Brix for our weekly dance. Holding with my themes and theory, they taught a wonderful lesson on turn location for the beginners, and consistent movement for the intermediate and advanced class. Stay tuned for more videos to come. But definitely join us in Jersey for our dance at Brix.

Beginner Class:


Intermediate/Advanced class:

Super Swing Tuesdays at Brix July 28th with Kristen Shaw

Another wonderful Tuesday at Brix with Guest Instructor and DJ Kristen Shaw!

I was traveling for work and Kristen and my wife Bridget held down the fort and taught a wonderful set of classes. The beautiful duo had a blast with the local crowd. Everyone also seemed to enjoy the new drink specials at the bar! Stay tuned for more video recaps every week. But come join us in Belleville when you have a free Tuesday evening.

Beginning Class:

Intermediate/Advanced Class:

Super Swing Tuesdays at Brix July 21st

Sorry for the delayed upload. But finally here is week 3 at Brix. There has been a wonderful turnout for the lessons and lots of more advanced dancers have been taking the beginner course to relearn the basics and also help out the more novice and newcomer dancers. It’s exactly what the community needs. Thank you for those who’ve been coming out regularly to support us and the local dance community.

Beginner Class:

Intermediate/Advanced Class: